When I wrote the introduction to this Substack, I used the word “fuzzy”, which led to a weeklong internal repeat of one of my favorite songs by an underappreciated band.
The very first time I heard it, it felt like my skull came gently but decisively apart, to clumsily paraphrase Emily Dickinson. (And for introducing me to that poet’s phrase, I thank my friend Tripp. It’s a fine one.)
The lyrics and his voice and the arrangement and the production of the album were like nothing else I’d heard.
So, here is Grant Lee Buffalo’s “Fuzzy”. Maybe it’ll circle around in your head for a few magical days.
ps: I reread my introductory post, where I mentioned hesitancy about sharing this Substack. I’m not as concerned anymore as I can’t imagine my closest relatives would come across it. So share as you wish. I like the idea of some of this being out in the world. It’s scary but also an act that makes me feel less ashamed. (More on shame later.…)